User manual

dfTimewolf ships with recipes, which are essentially instructions on how to launch and chain modules.

Listing all recipes

Since you won’t know all the recipe names off the top of your head, start with:

$ dftimewolf -h
[2020-10-06 14:29:42,111] [dftimewolf          ] INFO     Logging to stdout and /tmp/dftimewolf.log
[2020-10-06 14:29:42,111] [dftimewolf          ] DEBUG    Recipe data path: /Users/tomchop/code/dftimewolf/data
[2020-10-06 14:29:42,112] [dftimewolf          ] DEBUG    Configuration loaded from: /Users/tomchop/code/dftimewolf/data/config.json
usage: [-h]

Available recipes:

 aws_forensics                      Copies a volume from an AWS account to an analysis VM.
 gce_disk_export                    Export disk image from a GCP project to Google Cloud Storage.
 gcp_forensics                      Copies disk from a GCP project to an analysis VM.
 gcp_logging_cloudaudit_ts          Collects GCP logs from a project and exports them to Timesketch.
 gcp_logging_cloudsql_ts            Collects GCP logs from Cloud SQL instances for a project and exports them to Timesketch.
 gcp_logging_collect                Collects logs from a GCP project and dumps on the filesystem.
 gcp_logging_gce_instance_ts        GCP Instance Cloud Audit to Timesketch
 gcp_logging_gce_ts                 Loads GCP Cloud Audit Logs for GCE into Timesketch
 gcp_turbinia_disk_copy_ts          Imports a remote GCP persistent disk, processes it with Turbinia and sends results to Timesketch.
 gcp_turbinia_ts                    Processes an existing GCP persistent disk in the Turbinia project and sends results to Timesketch.
 grr_artifact_grep                  Fetches ForensicArtifacts from GRR hosts and runs grep with a list of keywords on them.
 grr_artifact_ts                    Fetches default artifacts from a list of GRR hosts, processes them with plaso, and sends the results to Timesketch.
 grr_files_collect                  Fetches specific files from one or more GRR hosts.
 grr_flow_collect                   Download GRR flows.

Download a GRR flow's results to the local filesystem.
 grr_hunt_artifacts                 Starts a GRR hunt for the default set of artifacts.
 grr_hunt_file                      Starts a GRR hunt for a list of files.
 grr_huntresults_ts                 Fetches the findings of a GRR hunt, processes them with plaso, and sends the results to Timesketch.
 plaso_ts                           Processes a list of file paths using plaso and sends results to Timesketch.
 upload_ts                          Uploads a CSV or Plaso file to Timesketch.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Get detailed help for a specific recipe

To get more details on a specific recipe:

$ dftimewolf grr_artifact_hosts -h
[2020-10-06 14:31:40,553] [dftimewolf          ] INFO     Logging to stdout and /tmp/dftimewolf.log
[2020-10-06 14:31:40,553] [dftimewolf          ] DEBUG    Recipe data path: /Users/tomchop/code/dftimewolf/data
[2020-10-06 14:31:40,553] [dftimewolf          ] DEBUG    Configuration loaded from: /Users/tomchop/code/dftimewolf/data/config.json
usage: plaso_ts [-h] [--incident_id INCIDENT_ID]
                                      [--sketch_id SKETCH_ID]
                                      [--token_password TOKEN_PASSWORD]

Processes a list of file paths using plaso and sends results to Timesketch.

- Collectors collect from a path in the FS
- Processes them with a local install of plaso
- Exports them to a new Timesketch sketch

positional arguments:
  paths                 Paths to process

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --incident_id INCIDENT_ID
                        Incident ID (used for Timesketch description)
                        (default: None)
  --sketch_id SKETCH_ID
                        Sketch to which the timeline should be added (default:
  --token_password TOKEN_PASSWORD
                        Optional custom password to decrypt Timesketch
                        credential file with (default: )

Running a recipe

One typically invokes dftimewolf with a recipe name and a few arguments. For example:

$ dftimewolf <RECIPE_NAME> arg1 arg2 --optarg1 optvalue1

Given the help output above, you can then use the recipe like this:

$ dftimewolf grr_artifacts_ts collection_reason

If you only want to collect browser activity:

$ dftimewolf grr_artifacts_ts collection_reason --artifact_list=BrowserHistory

In the same way, if you want to specify one (or more) approver(s):

$ dftimewolf grr_artifacts_ts collection_reason --artifact_list=BrowserHistory --approvers=admin
$ dftimewolf grr_artifacts_ts collection_reason --artifact_list=BrowserHistory --approvers=admin,tomchop


If you want to set recipe arguments to specific values without typing them in the command-line (e.g. your development Timesketch server, or your favorite set of GRR approvers), you can use a .dftimewolfrc file. Just create a ~/.dftimewolfrc file containing a JSON dump of parameters to replace:

$ cat ~/.dftimewolfrc
  "approvers": "",
  "ts_endpoint": ""

This will set your ts_endpoint and approvers parameters for all subsequent dftimewolf runs. You can still override these settings for one-shot usages by manually specifying the argument in the command-line.

Remove colorization

dfTimewolf output will not be colorized if the environment variable DFTIMEWOLF_NO_RAINBOW is set.