
The main concepts you need to be aware of when digging into dfTimewolf’s codebase are:

  • Modules
  • Recipes
  • The state object

Modules are individual Python objects that will interact with specific platforms depending on attributes passed through the command line or AttributeContainer objects created by a previous module’s execution. Recipes are instructions that define how modules are chained, essentially defining which Module’s output becomes another Module’s input. Input and output are all stored in a State object that is attached to each module.


Modules all extend the BaseModule class, and implement the SetUp, and Process functions.

SetUp is what is called with the recipe’s modified arguments. Actions here should include things that have low overhead and can be accomplished with no big delay, like checking for API permissions, verifying that a file exists, etc. The idea here is to detect working conditions and “fail early” if the module can’t run correctly.

Process is where all the magic happens - here is where you’ll want to parallelize things as much as possible (copying a disk, running plaso, etc.). You’ll be reading from containers pushed by previous modules (e.g. processed plaso files) and adding your own for future modules to process. Accessing containers is done through the GetContainers and StoreContainer functions of the state object.


Modules can log messages to make the execution flow clearer for the user. This is done through the module’s logger attribute:'message'). This uses the standard python logging module so can use functions like info, warning, debug.

Error reporting

Modules can also report errors using their ModuleError function. Errors added this way will be reported at the end of the run. Semantically, they mean that the recipe flow didn’t go as expected and should be examined.

ModuleError also takes a critical parameter, that will raise an exception and interrupt the flow of the recipe. This should be used for errors that dftimewolf can’t recover from (e.g. if a binary run by one of the modules can’t be found on disk).


Recipes are JSON files that describe how Modules are chained, and which parameters can be ingested from the command-line. A recipe JSON object follows a specific format:

  • name: This is the name with which the recipe will be invoked (e.g. local_plaso).
  • description: This is a longer description of what the recipe does. It will show up in the help message when invoking dftimewolf recipe_hame -h.
  • short_description: This is what will show up in the help message when invoking dftimewolf -h.
  • modules: An array of JSON objects describing modules and their corresponding arguments.
    • wants: What other modules this module should wait for before calling its Process function.
    • name: The name of the module class that will be instantiated.
    • args: A list of (argument_name, argument) tuples that will be passed on to the module’s SetUp() function. If argument starts with an @, it will be replaced with its corresponding value from the command-line or the ~/.dftimewolfrc file.
  • args: Recipes need to describe the way arguments are handled in a global args variable. This variable is a list of (switch, help_message, default_value) tuples that will be passed to the argparse.add_argument function for later parsing.

State and AttributeContainers

The State object is an instance of the DFTimewolfState class. It has a couple of useful functions and attributes:

  • StoreContainer: Store your containers to make them available to future modules.
  • GetContainers: Retrieve the containers stored using StoreContainer. It takes a container_class param where you can select which containers you’re interested in.
  • StreamContainer: This will push a container on the streaming queue, and any registered streaming callbacks will be called on the container. Containers stored this way are not persistent (e.g. can’t be accessed with GetContainers later on).
  • RegisterStreamingCallback: Use this to register a function that will be called on the container as it is streamed in real-time.

Life of a dfTimewolf run

The dfTimewolf cycle is as follows:

  • The recipe JSON is parsed, all requested modules are instantiated, as well as the semaphores that will schedule the execution of the Module’s Process functions.
  • Command-line arguments are taken into account and passed to Module’s SetUp function. This occurs in parallel for all modules, regardless of the semaphores they declared in the recipe.
  • The modules with no blocking semaphores start running their Process function. At the end of their run, they free their semaphore, signalling other modules that they can proceed with their own Process function.
  • This cycle repeats until all modules have called their Process function.